Planning for Fall
2020 has been one for the books! Let's make our fall peaceful and creative by getting ahead of our marketing plan. Take advantage of the upcoming season with our 5 tips below -
Create a Calendar and Don’t Forget the Holidays – September 22nd marks the official start of fall, but Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and everything in between is right around the corner. Make sure you’re taking advantage of every opportunity you can to promote your business – We also recommend researching odd holidays to look forward to – ie: National Bosses Day
Partner With Another Business – This September we are partnering with Lucy's Love Bus to give back 5% of our September revenue. Not only does it feel good to give back, but we're aligning our business with an amazing local chartity! Who can you partner with this fall? Start brainstorming now!
Host a Zoom Event – Virtual is the way of the world right now, and for this upcoming fall, we don't see that changing. Get out of your comfort zone and host a networking event with your peers or customers. Share your insight and wisdom on what your passionate about!
Keep Your Content Fresh – Now a days people can spot a stock photo form a mile away! Get creative and personal with what you're sharing on your social media platforms. Understand who your customer is and how you can relate to them, and share info they want to see/read/watch.
Get Ahead of Scheduling – It’s time to brainstorm content for your Facebook, Instagram and Email Marketing Platform. It may seem daunting now, but you’ll be happy you scheduled some posts ahead of time.
Use a scheduling tool, such as Hootsuite, to plan appropriately. It also helps ease stress with it comes to day to day marketing cause you know your marketing is under control!
We hope you try any or all of these tips to ease into the transition to ensure a successful fall season!
- Taylor & Team