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Five Tips For Successfully Working At Home (cc: Entrepreneurs)

Working from home is a blessing but can also be curse! If you're an entrepreneur or someone who is allowed to work from home, you frequently find that working from home can have its challenges.

There are countless distractions that arise that can keep you from finishing the task at hand. While there is more flexibility, it is important that you don’t compromise productivity! Here are 5 great tips for successfully working at home that have helped the success of my business:

  1. Schedule out your time. Make a list the night before of work needed to be finished for the next day/week and prioritize as you see fit. Knowing when you are the most productive during the day is helpful, so you can manage the sequence of your projects to maximize productivity. Also try setting routine work hours from home as well as a consistent lunch break time to keep you on track.

  2. Utilize local networking groups. Interacting at networking events helps promote your business and allows you to meet new people (and potential clients!). I have personally found attending events held by local networks, such as The Chamber of Commerce has allowed me to share my knowledge as well as gain expert advice from fellow business owners.

  3. Create your own community. Working from home can get lonely, so it’s important to collaborate with other local entrepreneurs in your area. When working remotely, you limit the chances to meet new people in an office. Interacting with colleagues is a great way to connect with people to spark some new ideas and gain friendships!

  4. Get out of the house. It's important to schedule time out of the house to get a new perspective. Some days I have to pull myself away from my computer and every time I do, I am always so grateful and re-energized. Try getting out of the house for a morning walk or meet a friend at a coffee shop during your lunch break. Trust me, this will keep your sanity and increase productivity when you return!

  5. Have your own workspace. Let people know you're working and set defined working hours. It is important to have an at home office or at least a desk designated for work only (no shopping lists, clothes, or irrelevant clutter allowed). Having a clear workspace will keep your documents organized and allow you to be more focused.

I hope you have enjoyed my top 5 tips for successfully working at home. Apply these tips to your every day work life and let me know what works best for you!


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